What happened, happened because it had to!

What happened, happened because it had to.

In life, we are here to learn lessons and accomplish various tasks while doing so.  It is my belief that to a degree fate exists.  The many life lessons we have, the lessons that are the hardest to learn, will happen regardless of what preventative measures we do, as they have to happen. Read more “What happened, happened because it had to!”

When frustration takes over, negative thoughts build…

Welcome to Monday, a day that most people seem to hate, but, one that I love.  See, you have to love all the days, or else you invite negative thoughts into your week, and since Monday is the start of the work week for most, they start their week out with hatred.  I say, love Monday’s and all other day’s, and start your week out great!   Read more “When frustration takes over, negative thoughts build…”