Entering the New Year with a refreshed mind…

Entering the New Year with a refreshed mind…


For 2018, I have set some goals that will have me enter each day with a fresh mind, and open to receive incredible things.  If something negative enters my mind, I will stop what I’m thinking to reorganize my thoughts.

I also have goals that will financially be very rewarding, and once accomplished, will open up new paths to greater things.  New paths are always a great thing.  They bring with them many new lessons that can teach us.  I say, bring on the new.

I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe new year’s eve/day.  I am a day early here but I won’t be posting anything until after New Years Day.

I would like to also say thank you for reading, and that I am grateful that you took the time to read this small posting today.  I am looking forward to posting on here a few times a week starting in January 2018.

Never put off tomorrow what you can accomplish today!

Never put off tomorrow what you can accomplish today!

This is a saying that holds a lot of truth in the way I feel about things, however, I do not always follow it myself.  I am only human after all.  Sometimes things can get in the way of my own thinking, and interfere with the process of positivity.  If you, and myself, never put things off until tomorrow, we would always accomplish our goals.  Maybe said goals take extra time, but at least they would be on their way to completion.   Read more “Never put off tomorrow what you can accomplish today!”

When you expect great things, great things will happen…

Hello everyone, Mark here with another entry.

It’s been 11 days since my challenge from my last entry.  I talked about positive affirmations and mine was “My thoughts are filled with positivity and my life is plentiful with prosperity.”  I can report that so far the past 11 days have been pretty great for me and I hope that things for you have been great as well. Read more “When you expect great things, great things will happen…”

Make positive affirmations a way of life…

Hello everyone, Mark here with another thought.


What is a positive affirmation?  What can it do for you?  Well, read on and I will tell you.  Read more “Make positive affirmations a way of life…”