There’s a saying, and it goes, “Sometimes you just have to let Time do the talking” and I would like to elaborate on this a bit. Time is your greatest ally when it comes to your mind, but it can also be an enemy if you are impatient with your thoughts. (Please read this post if you haven’t already. They say patience is a virtue… ) When it comes to things like a relationship or perhaps a project, its best not to rush into it, or things will go south. Plan out everything, like a storyboard for a movie, so that you will have a map to guide you.
Let time do the talking simply means to plan out your actions that will ultimately lead to a successful completion of your goal you want to achieve. This plan is your very own storyboard or map to what you want to accomplish in your life, you just have to create it.
I will elaborate on this more in the future with real-world examples that will help you to See Outside The Box!
Thanks for reading, and be sure to comment and share.
– Mark Thomas